Chris is a Senior Licensed Paralegal. Chris graduated from the University of Toronto with a B.A. in 1974. He received a B.Ed., in 1975. Thereafter, he pursued a career in insurance claims. Chris engaged professional development with determination and obtained the designation of Fellow Insurance Institute of Canada (F.I.I.C.) in 1979, and obtained the Management specialty designation in 1984. He has kept up with developments in automobile insurance as the law has evolved over the years. Chris obtained a certificate in Automobile Accident Benefits Administration from The Insurance Institute of Ontario in 1993 and a certificate in Rehabilitation Counselling from Seneca College in 1994.
Chris has been in the field of insurance claims with a particular focus on Personal Injury for over 45 years. He was an adjuster and senior claims examiner for various insurance companies for 17 of those years. At the end of 1993 he joined a Plaintiff Law Firm and has been working in the area of plaintiff personal injury with Salina Chagpar since then.
Chris’s experience and education enables clients to successfully present Statutory Accident Benefits claims; Third Party Tort claims; Long Term Disability claims; and applications for Canada Pension Plan Disability benefits. Having worked in the insurance industry and with defence counsel, Chris has first-hand knowledge of what to expect when dealing with claims adjusters and defence counsel. This provides a valuable advantage to clients when preparing them for mediations and engaging new potential clients.
Chris is an avid reader of historical non- fiction and enjoys competitive sailing of snipe boats around the world.