Toronto Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers
Motor vehicle accidents often involve spinal cord injury. Most people associate spinal cord injury with paralysis. However, spinal cord injury can result in distinct symptoms that may not be readily apparent as paralysis, depending on the precise location and severity of the injury. Prognosis for recovery is case specific, and the full impact of the injury may develop over time and after a treatment plan has been instituted.
At CHAGPAR LAW of Toronto, Salina F. Chagpar and our legal team are dedicated advocates for clients who are living with the effects of a spinal cord injury. Our clients frequently require legal advocacy to secure long-term benefits and compensation to maintain their financial stability while they focus on recovery.
Effects of a Spinal Cord Injury
According to the National Institutes of Health, causes of a spinal cord injury include damage to the cord itself or the surrounding bones, tissues or blood vessels. Symptoms may include:
- Breathing difficulties
- Loss of bladder function
- Sensory changes
- Weakness and paralysis
- Pain
Recovery from a spinal cord injury can involve long-term rehabilitation, therapy and medical treatment. Depending on the specific condition of the injured person, some effects may be permanent and require medical aids together with home and automobile modifications.
Dedicated Legal Advocacy for Our Clients
At CHAGPAR LAW of Toronto, our spinal nerve damage lawyers work to understand how our clients’ injuries have affected them and to determine the tools they need to adjust. Our goal is to help clients regain their quality of life.
Compassion and sensitivity go hand-in-hand with the strong representation and detailed legal strategy we offer clients. We appreciate that not all side effects of an injury are easy to discuss. When our clients meet with us, they should feel respected and understood. We have the experience that gets re$ults.
Serving Greater Toronto, Including Scarborough, Mississauga and Brampton: Spinal Nerve Damage Lawyers
If you or a loved one has suffered a fractured spine, spinal cord compression or related injury, legal advice is key to making sure you receive the appropriate support. To contact our Toronto-area firm about a spinal cord injury, contact us. A lawyer from CHAGPAR LAW will meet with you where you are, if coming to our office is a challenge.
You can contact us online or call us at 416-733-HURT (4878). We offer a free initial consultation for our services, and translation services in any language are available.